-- Select a program to support --
Research & Innovation
Scott Library
Student Financial Aid
University's Greatest Needs
York University Art Gallery
Faculty of Education, Priorities Fund
Faculty of Education, Research
Faculty of Education, Student Financial Aid
Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change, Priorities Fund
Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change, Student Financial Aid
Faculty of Graduate Studies, Priorities Fund
Faculty of Graduate Studies, Student Financial Aid
The Faculty of Graduate Studies 60th Anniversary Fund
Faculty of Health, Priorities Fund
Faculty of Health, Research
Faculty of Health, Student Financial Aid
Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, Priorities Fund
Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, Student Financial Aid
Faculty of Science, Priorities Fund
Faculty of Science, Research
Faculty of Science, Student Financial Aid
Frost Library
Glendon College, Priorities Fund
Glendon College, Student Financial Aid
Lassonde School of Engineering, Priorities Fund
Lassonde School of Engineering, Student Financial Aid
Osgoode Hall Law School, Priorities Fund
Osgoode Hall Law School, Research
Osgoode Hall Law School, Student Financial Aid
School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design, Priorities Fund
School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design, Student Financial Aid
Peter F. Bronfman Business Library
Schulich School of Business, Priorities Fund
Schulich School of Business, Student Financial Aid
Athletics Department
Figure Skating
Lions Cup Golf Tournament
Men's Basketball
Men's Football
Men's Hockey
Men's Soccer
Men's Swimming
Men's Tennis
Men's Track & Field
Men's Volleyball
Men's Wrestling
Women's Basketball
Women's Field Hockey
Women's Hockey
Women's Rugby
Women's Soccer
Women's Swimming
Women's Tennis
Women's Track & Field
Women's Volleyball
Women's Wrestling
School's Highest Priorities
Schulich Student Support Fund
Steacie Library
William W. Small Awards
York University Retirees' Association Graduate Student Award
York University Retirees' Association Mature Student Bursaries
Lions Cup Golf Tournament Sponsorship
SPRAA Golf Classic
SPRAA Perspectives Lecture
Together Mission Sponsorship Indo Canada Bootcamp and Pitch Competition
Arts and Media Student Experience Fund
Future of Marketing Student Experience Fund
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fund
Real Estate & Infrastructure Student Experience Fund
York University Student Investment Fund Endowment
Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean (CERLAC)
Global Labour Research Centre (GLRC)
Robarts Centre
York Centre for Asian Research
General Support for the Centre for Jewish Studies
The Canadian Jewish Literary Awards
Canada's Journal of Refugees
CRS Endowment Fund
CRS Refugee Student Bursaries
CRS Support Fund
Anita Herrmann Bursary
Bill Graham (MBA '86) Global Leadership Award
Dean Crowston Mememorial
Dezsö J. Horváth Tribute Fund
Ginny Boelhower Scholarship
Joyce Zemans Award of Achievement
Lidia Serras Memorial Scholarship
Miriam Flemming Memorial
Peterson Family Gold Medal & Scholarship in Entrepreneurial Studies
Prof. Brenda Zimmerman Memorial Fund
The James Gillies Award Endowed Fund
Abshir Hassan Undergraduate Award for Excellence in Community Service
Advancing Black Students Program - Faculty of LA&PS
Advancing Women Students Program - Faculty of LA&PS
Albert Ng Design Scholarship
Allan I. Carswell Observatory
Andrew Forbes Memorial Scholarship, Friends of Glendon
Angel Paw Prize, Lassonde School of Engineering
Annunziata Di Ponio Award, York International
Anti-Islamophobia Research Hub
Archie Campbell Memorial Bursary
Arvo Tiidus Award, Faculty of Health
Athletics & Recreation
Autism Research - General
BBA/iBBA Invitational Conference & Case Competition Award
BHER Women's Fund
C4: Cross-Campus Capstone Classroom
Career Centre
Centre for Aboriginal Student Services
Clara Thomas Archives & Special Collections
Class of 1967 Bursary Fund
Class of 1969 Bursary
Community Agency Student Internships, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Computer Science, Lassonde School of Engineering
Copy of Steacie Science Library
Counselling and Disability Services at Glendon College
Court Jarrell Memorial
Davies Fellows Award
Dean Lorne Sossin Bursary, Osgoode Hall Law School
Dean's Aspiration Award
Dean's Award for Research Excellence
Deans Scholarship for Women in Science, Faculty of Science
Dr. Ferdinand and Mrs. Emelda Thomas Award
Ecological Footprint Initiative
Existere Literary Journal
Experiential Education Fund, Osgoode Hall Law School
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change
Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Faculty of Science
Feminist Legal Studies, Osgoode Hall Law School
Food Insecurity Fund for Students
Gabrielle Monaghan Bursary
Gary D'Mello Prize for Women's Bridging Program, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Ghana Advancing Scholarship and Capacity for Emerging Nursing Doctorates (ASCEND) Program
Glendon 50th Anniversary Bursary
Glendon Alumni Bursary for Indigenous Students, Glendon College
Glendon College Opportunity Fund
Glendon Experiential Education Fund, Glendon
Glendon Graduate Scholarship
Glendon Salon Francophone Renovation Fund, Glendon College
Glendon's Frost Library
Global Labour Research Centre
Gordon Darroch International Scholar Award
Graduate History Program Entrance Scholarship
Graduate History Program Entrance Scholarship, Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Heather Gore-Liddell Bursary
HHF Greek Canadian Archives
Impact: The Campaign for York University
Interbeing Wellness Donation for Student Support
International Student Programs, York International
James Laxer Scholarship Fund
James Laxer Scholarship Fund, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Jean Augustine Chair in Education
Jeffrey Zoeller Queer Endowment
John Hunkin Scholarship in Leadership and Sustainability
Kellogg-Schulich EMBA Gala
Kilravey Family Bursary
LA&PS Aspiration Awards
LA&PS Emergency Bursaries
Lassonde Emergency Fund, Lassonde School of Engineering
Lassonde Undergraduate Research Award (LURA), Lassonde School of Engineering
Leading Change: Graduate Study/Research Building, Schulich School of Business
Leonard Yancovitch Award in Jazz, School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design
Leonardo Silva MBA/IMBA Award, Schulich School of Business
Library Learning Commons
LLIR Student Opportunity Fund
Lucy Fromowitz Student Award
Maria Stea Memorial Award
Mark Cross Award
Marketing Student Society
Markham Campus
Master of Conference Interpreting (MCI)
Matthew Shoalts Film Director's Award
Melissa Hunt '07 Memorial Prize
Melville, Nelles, Hoffmann Lecture in Environmental History, Faculty of LA&PS
Mosher-Silver Women's Volleyball Legacy Fund
Music, School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design
No Barriers Fund, Osgoode Hall Law School
Nobby Wirkowski Football Award
Ontario Graduate Scholarships, Faculty of Environmental Studies
Ontario Graduate Scholarships, Faculty of Graduate Studies
Osgoode Career Services, Osgoode Hall Law School
Osgoode Mooting
Osgoode@125 Bursary, Osgoode Hall Law School
Paul Copeland Bursary
Paul Kay Adventure Bursary
Peter W. Hogg Memorial Award, Osgoode Hall Law School
Phillip Silver Scholarship
Randa Jean Cooke Memorial Bursary Fund, Osgoode Hall Law School
Rob and Cheryl McEwen Graduate Study & Research Building
School of Continuing Studies Fund
School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design
Schulich Startup Night Awards
Schulich's Peter F. Bronfman Business Library
SEEDS at York U
Sojourner-Campbell Family Legal Visionary Award
SPRAA Developers' Den
Stress Busting Donation for Student Support
Student Accessibility Services
Student Association for Single Parents Award
Student Counselling & Development
Student Emergency Relief Fund
Student Financial Aid for the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Student Financial Aid/Friends of Glendon Bourses des amis de Glendon
Student Food Bank
Student in Crisis Bursary
Student Services
Summer Jazz & Groove Lab
Susan Vella Social Justice Award
Sustainability Student Experience Fund
The Embleton Award
The Herbert H. Carnegie Scholarship (HCARNEG_END)
The Joan & Martin Goldfarb Gallery of York University
The Jody Forno Memorial Soccer Bursary
The Michael Bordt Award for Sustainability Informatics
The Thomas Trudel Memorial Scholarship in Film Production
Vanier College Productions
VCP's 50th Anniversary
Visual Arts Open House Prize
Walk with Excellence Bursary
William Thomas McGrenere '63 Bursary
Women's Hockey, Department of Athletics & Recreation
York Camps Subsidy Fund
York Emergency Student Support Fund
York University General Entrance Awards
York University Psychology Clinic
YURA Graduate Student Award
KSAA Diversity Award
Nicholas Corradino LGBTQ+ Changemaker Award
Schulich Black and Indigenous Student Bursary
Administrative Studies Student Support
Anthropology Student Support
Communication Studies Student Support
Economics Student Support
English Student Support
French Student Support
Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies Student Support
History Student Support
Human Resources Management Student Support
Human Rights & Equity Student Support
Humanities Student Support
Information Technology Student Support
Languages, Literatures & Linguistics Student Support
Philosophy Student Support
Politics Student Support
Public Policy & Administration Student Support
Social Science Student Support
Social Work Student Support
Sociology Student Support
Writing Department Student Support
Founders College Student Support
McLaughlin College Student Support
New College Student Support
Vanier College Student Support
-- Select a program to support --
Research & Innovation
Scott Library
Student Financial Aid
University's Greatest Needs
York University Art Gallery
Faculty of Education, Priorities Fund
Faculty of Education, Research
Faculty of Education, Student Financial Aid
Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change, Priorities Fund
Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change, Student Financial Aid
Faculty of Graduate Studies, Priorities Fund
Faculty of Graduate Studies, Student Financial Aid
The Faculty of Graduate Studies 60th Anniversary Fund
Faculty of Health, Priorities Fund
Faculty of Health, Research
Faculty of Health, Student Financial Aid
Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, Priorities Fund
Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, Student Financial Aid
Faculty of Science, Priorities Fund
Faculty of Science, Research
Faculty of Science, Student Financial Aid
Frost Library
Glendon College, Priorities Fund
Glendon College, Student Financial Aid
Lassonde School of Engineering, Priorities Fund
Lassonde School of Engineering, Student Financial Aid
Osgoode Hall Law School, Priorities Fund
Osgoode Hall Law School, Research
Osgoode Hall Law School, Student Financial Aid
School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design, Priorities Fund
School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design, Student Financial Aid
Peter F. Bronfman Business Library
Schulich School of Business, Priorities Fund
Schulich School of Business, Student Financial Aid
Athletics Department
Figure Skating
Lions Cup Golf Tournament
Men's Basketball
Men's Football
Men's Hockey
Men's Soccer
Men's Swimming
Men's Tennis
Men's Track & Field
Men's Volleyball
Men's Wrestling
Women's Basketball
Women's Field Hockey
Women's Hockey
Women's Rugby
Women's Soccer
Women's Swimming
Women's Tennis
Women's Track & Field
Women's Volleyball
Women's Wrestling
School's Highest Priorities
Schulich Student Support Fund
Steacie Library
William W. Small Awards
York University Retirees' Association Graduate Student Award
York University Retirees' Association Mature Student Bursaries
Lions Cup Golf Tournament Sponsorship
SPRAA Golf Classic
SPRAA Perspectives Lecture
Together Mission Sponsorship Indo Canada Bootcamp and Pitch Competition
Arts and Media Student Experience Fund
Future of Marketing Student Experience Fund
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fund
Real Estate & Infrastructure Student Experience Fund
York University Student Investment Fund Endowment
Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean (CERLAC)
Global Labour Research Centre (GLRC)
Robarts Centre
York Centre for Asian Research
General Support for the Centre for Jewish Studies
The Canadian Jewish Literary Awards
Canada's Journal of Refugees
CRS Endowment Fund
CRS Refugee Student Bursaries
CRS Support Fund
Anita Herrmann Bursary
Bill Graham (MBA '86) Global Leadership Award
Dean Crowston Mememorial
Dezsö J. Horváth Tribute Fund
Ginny Boelhower Scholarship
Joyce Zemans Award of Achievement
Lidia Serras Memorial Scholarship
Miriam Flemming Memorial
Peterson Family Gold Medal & Scholarship in Entrepreneurial Studies
Prof. Brenda Zimmerman Memorial Fund
The James Gillies Award Endowed Fund
Abshir Hassan Undergraduate Award for Excellence in Community Service
Advancing Black Students Program - Faculty of LA&PS
Advancing Women Students Program - Faculty of LA&PS
Albert Ng Design Scholarship
Allan I. Carswell Observatory
Andrew Forbes Memorial Scholarship, Friends of Glendon
Angel Paw Prize, Lassonde School of Engineering
Annunziata Di Ponio Award, York International
Anti-Islamophobia Research Hub
Archie Campbell Memorial Bursary
Arvo Tiidus Award, Faculty of Health
Athletics & Recreation
Autism Research - General
BBA/iBBA Invitational Conference & Case Competition Award
BHER Women's Fund
C4: Cross-Campus Capstone Classroom
Career Centre
Centre for Aboriginal Student Services
Clara Thomas Archives & Special Collections
Class of 1967 Bursary Fund
Class of 1969 Bursary
Community Agency Student Internships, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Computer Science, Lassonde School of Engineering
Copy of Steacie Science Library
Counselling and Disability Services at Glendon College
Court Jarrell Memorial
Davies Fellows Award
Dean Lorne Sossin Bursary, Osgoode Hall Law School
Dean's Aspiration Award
Dean's Award for Research Excellence
Deans Scholarship for Women in Science, Faculty of Science
Dr. Ferdinand and Mrs. Emelda Thomas Award
Ecological Footprint Initiative
Existere Literary Journal
Experiential Education Fund, Osgoode Hall Law School
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change
Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Faculty of Science
Feminist Legal Studies, Osgoode Hall Law School
Food Insecurity Fund for Students
Gabrielle Monaghan Bursary
Gary D'Mello Prize for Women's Bridging Program, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Ghana Advancing Scholarship and Capacity for Emerging Nursing Doctorates (ASCEND) Program
Glendon 50th Anniversary Bursary
Glendon Alumni Bursary for Indigenous Students, Glendon College
Glendon College Opportunity Fund
Glendon Experiential Education Fund, Glendon
Glendon Graduate Scholarship
Glendon Salon Francophone Renovation Fund, Glendon College
Glendon's Frost Library
Global Labour Research Centre
Gordon Darroch International Scholar Award
Graduate History Program Entrance Scholarship
Graduate History Program Entrance Scholarship, Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Heather Gore-Liddell Bursary
HHF Greek Canadian Archives
Impact: The Campaign for York University
Interbeing Wellness Donation for Student Support
International Student Programs, York International
James Laxer Scholarship Fund
James Laxer Scholarship Fund, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Jean Augustine Chair in Education
Jeffrey Zoeller Queer Endowment
John Hunkin Scholarship in Leadership and Sustainability
Kellogg-Schulich EMBA Gala
Kilravey Family Bursary
LA&PS Aspiration Awards
LA&PS Emergency Bursaries
Lassonde Emergency Fund, Lassonde School of Engineering
Lassonde Undergraduate Research Award (LURA), Lassonde School of Engineering
Leading Change: Graduate Study/Research Building, Schulich School of Business
Leonard Yancovitch Award in Jazz, School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design
Leonardo Silva MBA/IMBA Award, Schulich School of Business
Library Learning Commons
LLIR Student Opportunity Fund
Lucy Fromowitz Student Award
Maria Stea Memorial Award
Mark Cross Award
Marketing Student Society
Markham Campus
Master of Conference Interpreting (MCI)
Matthew Shoalts Film Director's Award
Melissa Hunt '07 Memorial Prize
Melville, Nelles, Hoffmann Lecture in Environmental History, Faculty of LA&PS
Mosher-Silver Women's Volleyball Legacy Fund
Music, School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design
No Barriers Fund, Osgoode Hall Law School
Nobby Wirkowski Football Award
Ontario Graduate Scholarships, Faculty of Environmental Studies
Ontario Graduate Scholarships, Faculty of Graduate Studies
Osgoode Career Services, Osgoode Hall Law School
Osgoode Mooting
Osgoode@125 Bursary, Osgoode Hall Law School
Paul Copeland Bursary
Paul Kay Adventure Bursary
Peter W. Hogg Memorial Award, Osgoode Hall Law School
Phillip Silver Scholarship
Randa Jean Cooke Memorial Bursary Fund, Osgoode Hall Law School
Rob and Cheryl McEwen Graduate Study & Research Building
School of Continuing Studies Fund
School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design
Schulich Startup Night Awards
Schulich's Peter F. Bronfman Business Library
SEEDS at York U
Sojourner-Campbell Family Legal Visionary Award
SPRAA Developers' Den
Stress Busting Donation for Student Support
Student Accessibility Services
Student Association for Single Parents Award
Student Counselling & Development
Student Emergency Relief Fund
Student Financial Aid for the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Student Financial Aid/Friends of Glendon Bourses des amis de Glendon
Student Food Bank
Student in Crisis Bursary
Student Services
Summer Jazz & Groove Lab
Susan Vella Social Justice Award
Sustainability Student Experience Fund
The Embleton Award
The Herbert H. Carnegie Scholarship (HCARNEG_END)
The Joan & Martin Goldfarb Gallery of York University
The Jody Forno Memorial Soccer Bursary
The Michael Bordt Award for Sustainability Informatics
The Thomas Trudel Memorial Scholarship in Film Production
Vanier College Productions
VCP's 50th Anniversary
Visual Arts Open House Prize
Walk with Excellence Bursary
William Thomas McGrenere '63 Bursary
Women's Hockey, Department of Athletics & Recreation
York Camps Subsidy Fund
York Emergency Student Support Fund
York University General Entrance Awards
York University Psychology Clinic
YURA Graduate Student Award
KSAA Diversity Award
Nicholas Corradino LGBTQ+ Changemaker Award
Schulich Black and Indigenous Student Bursary
Administrative Studies Student Support
Anthropology Student Support
Communication Studies Student Support
Economics Student Support
English Student Support
French Student Support
Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies Student Support
History Student Support
Human Resources Management Student Support
Human Rights & Equity Student Support
Humanities Student Support
Information Technology Student Support
Languages, Literatures & Linguistics Student Support
Philosophy Student Support
Politics Student Support
Public Policy & Administration Student Support
Social Science Student Support
Social Work Student Support
Sociology Student Support
Writing Department Student Support
Founders College Student Support
McLaughlin College Student Support
New College Student Support
Vanier College Student Support
-- Select a program to support --
Research & Innovation
Scott Library
Student Financial Aid
University's Greatest Needs
York University Art Gallery
Faculty of Education, Priorities Fund
Faculty of Education, Research
Faculty of Education, Student Financial Aid
Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change, Priorities Fund
Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change, Student Financial Aid
Faculty of Graduate Studies, Priorities Fund
Faculty of Graduate Studies, Student Financial Aid
The Faculty of Graduate Studies 60th Anniversary Fund
Faculty of Health, Priorities Fund
Faculty of Health, Research
Faculty of Health, Student Financial Aid
Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, Priorities Fund
Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, Student Financial Aid
Faculty of Science, Priorities Fund
Faculty of Science, Research
Faculty of Science, Student Financial Aid
Frost Library
Glendon College, Priorities Fund
Glendon College, Student Financial Aid
Lassonde School of Engineering, Priorities Fund
Lassonde School of Engineering, Student Financial Aid
Osgoode Hall Law School, Priorities Fund
Osgoode Hall Law School, Research
Osgoode Hall Law School, Student Financial Aid
School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design, Priorities Fund
School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design, Student Financial Aid
Peter F. Bronfman Business Library
Schulich School of Business, Priorities Fund
Schulich School of Business, Student Financial Aid
Athletics Department
Figure Skating
Lions Cup Golf Tournament
Men's Basketball
Men's Football
Men's Hockey
Men's Soccer
Men's Swimming
Men's Tennis
Men's Track & Field
Men's Volleyball
Men's Wrestling
Women's Basketball
Women's Field Hockey
Women's Hockey
Women's Rugby
Women's Soccer
Women's Swimming
Women's Tennis
Women's Track & Field
Women's Volleyball
Women's Wrestling
School's Highest Priorities
Schulich Student Support Fund
Steacie Library
William W. Small Awards
York University Retirees' Association Graduate Student Award
York University Retirees' Association Mature Student Bursaries
Lions Cup Golf Tournament Sponsorship
SPRAA Golf Classic
SPRAA Perspectives Lecture
Together Mission Sponsorship Indo Canada Bootcamp and Pitch Competition
Arts and Media Student Experience Fund
Future of Marketing Student Experience Fund
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fund
Real Estate & Infrastructure Student Experience Fund
York University Student Investment Fund Endowment
Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean (CERLAC)
Global Labour Research Centre (GLRC)
Robarts Centre
York Centre for Asian Research
General Support for the Centre for Jewish Studies
The Canadian Jewish Literary Awards
Canada's Journal of Refugees
CRS Endowment Fund
CRS Refugee Student Bursaries
CRS Support Fund
Anita Herrmann Bursary
Bill Graham (MBA '86) Global Leadership Award
Dean Crowston Mememorial
Dezsö J. Horváth Tribute Fund
Ginny Boelhower Scholarship
Joyce Zemans Award of Achievement
Lidia Serras Memorial Scholarship
Miriam Flemming Memorial
Peterson Family Gold Medal & Scholarship in Entrepreneurial Studies
Prof. Brenda Zimmerman Memorial Fund
The James Gillies Award Endowed Fund
Abshir Hassan Undergraduate Award for Excellence in Community Service
Advancing Black Students Program - Faculty of LA&PS
Advancing Women Students Program - Faculty of LA&PS
Albert Ng Design Scholarship
Allan I. Carswell Observatory
Andrew Forbes Memorial Scholarship, Friends of Glendon
Angel Paw Prize, Lassonde School of Engineering
Annunziata Di Ponio Award, York International
Anti-Islamophobia Research Hub
Archie Campbell Memorial Bursary
Arvo Tiidus Award, Faculty of Health
Athletics & Recreation
Autism Research - General
BBA/iBBA Invitational Conference & Case Competition Award
BHER Women's Fund
C4: Cross-Campus Capstone Classroom
Career Centre
Centre for Aboriginal Student Services
Clara Thomas Archives & Special Collections
Class of 1967 Bursary Fund
Class of 1969 Bursary
Community Agency Student Internships, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Computer Science, Lassonde School of Engineering
Copy of Steacie Science Library
Counselling and Disability Services at Glendon College
Court Jarrell Memorial
Davies Fellows Award
Dean Lorne Sossin Bursary, Osgoode Hall Law School
Dean's Aspiration Award
Dean's Award for Research Excellence
Deans Scholarship for Women in Science, Faculty of Science
Dr. Ferdinand and Mrs. Emelda Thomas Award
Ecological Footprint Initiative
Existere Literary Journal
Experiential Education Fund, Osgoode Hall Law School
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change
Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Faculty of Science
Feminist Legal Studies, Osgoode Hall Law School
Food Insecurity Fund for Students
Gabrielle Monaghan Bursary
Gary D'Mello Prize for Women's Bridging Program, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Ghana Advancing Scholarship and Capacity for Emerging Nursing Doctorates (ASCEND) Program
Glendon 50th Anniversary Bursary
Glendon Alumni Bursary for Indigenous Students, Glendon College
Glendon College Opportunity Fund
Glendon Experiential Education Fund, Glendon
Glendon Graduate Scholarship
Glendon Salon Francophone Renovation Fund, Glendon College
Glendon's Frost Library
Global Labour Research Centre
Gordon Darroch International Scholar Award
Graduate History Program Entrance Scholarship
Graduate History Program Entrance Scholarship, Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Heather Gore-Liddell Bursary
HHF Greek Canadian Archives
Impact: The Campaign for York University
Interbeing Wellness Donation for Student Support
International Student Programs, York International
James Laxer Scholarship Fund
James Laxer Scholarship Fund, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Jean Augustine Chair in Education
Jeffrey Zoeller Queer Endowment
John Hunkin Scholarship in Leadership and Sustainability
Kellogg-Schulich EMBA Gala
Kilravey Family Bursary
LA&PS Aspiration Awards
LA&PS Emergency Bursaries
Lassonde Emergency Fund, Lassonde School of Engineering
Lassonde Undergraduate Research Award (LURA), Lassonde School of Engineering
Leading Change: Graduate Study/Research Building, Schulich School of Business
Leonard Yancovitch Award in Jazz, School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design
Leonardo Silva MBA/IMBA Award, Schulich School of Business
Library Learning Commons
LLIR Student Opportunity Fund
Lucy Fromowitz Student Award
Maria Stea Memorial Award
Mark Cross Award
Marketing Student Society
Markham Campus
Master of Conference Interpreting (MCI)
Matthew Shoalts Film Director's Award
Melissa Hunt '07 Memorial Prize
Melville, Nelles, Hoffmann Lecture in Environmental History, Faculty of LA&PS
Mosher-Silver Women's Volleyball Legacy Fund
Music, School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design
No Barriers Fund, Osgoode Hall Law School
Nobby Wirkowski Football Award
Ontario Graduate Scholarships, Faculty of Environmental Studies
Ontario Graduate Scholarships, Faculty of Graduate Studies
Osgoode Career Services, Osgoode Hall Law School
Osgoode Mooting
Osgoode@125 Bursary, Osgoode Hall Law School
Paul Copeland Bursary
Paul Kay Adventure Bursary
Peter W. Hogg Memorial Award, Osgoode Hall Law School
Phillip Silver Scholarship
Randa Jean Cooke Memorial Bursary Fund, Osgoode Hall Law School
Rob and Cheryl McEwen Graduate Study & Research Building
School of Continuing Studies Fund
School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design
Schulich Startup Night Awards
Schulich's Peter F. Bronfman Business Library
SEEDS at York U
Sojourner-Campbell Family Legal Visionary Award
SPRAA Developers' Den
Stress Busting Donation for Student Support
Student Accessibility Services
Student Association for Single Parents Award
Student Counselling & Development
Student Emergency Relief Fund
Student Financial Aid for the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Student Financial Aid/Friends of Glendon Bourses des amis de Glendon
Student Food Bank
Student in Crisis Bursary
Student Services
Summer Jazz & Groove Lab
Susan Vella Social Justice Award
Sustainability Student Experience Fund
The Embleton Award
The Herbert H. Carnegie Scholarship (HCARNEG_END)
The Joan & Martin Goldfarb Gallery of York University
The Jody Forno Memorial Soccer Bursary
The Michael Bordt Award for Sustainability Informatics
The Thomas Trudel Memorial Scholarship in Film Production
Vanier College Productions
VCP's 50th Anniversary
Visual Arts Open House Prize
Walk with Excellence Bursary
William Thomas McGrenere '63 Bursary
Women's Hockey, Department of Athletics & Recreation
York Camps Subsidy Fund
York Emergency Student Support Fund
York University General Entrance Awards
York University Psychology Clinic
YURA Graduate Student Award
KSAA Diversity Award
Nicholas Corradino LGBTQ+ Changemaker Award
Schulich Black and Indigenous Student Bursary
Administrative Studies Student Support
Anthropology Student Support
Communication Studies Student Support
Economics Student Support
English Student Support
French Student Support
Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies Student Support
History Student Support
Human Resources Management Student Support
Human Rights & Equity Student Support
Humanities Student Support
Information Technology Student Support
Languages, Literatures & Linguistics Student Support
Philosophy Student Support
Politics Student Support
Public Policy & Administration Student Support
Social Science Student Support
Social Work Student Support
Sociology Student Support
Writing Department Student Support
Founders College Student Support
McLaughlin College Student Support
New College Student Support
Vanier College Student Support
-- Select a program to support --
Research & Innovation
Scott Library
Student Financial Aid
University's Greatest Needs
York University Art Gallery
Faculty of Education, Priorities Fund
Faculty of Education, Research
Faculty of Education, Student Financial Aid
Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change, Priorities Fund
Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change, Student Financial Aid
Faculty of Graduate Studies, Priorities Fund
Faculty of Graduate Studies, Student Financial Aid
The Faculty of Graduate Studies 60th Anniversary Fund
Faculty of Health, Priorities Fund
Faculty of Health, Research
Faculty of Health, Student Financial Aid
Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, Priorities Fund
Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, Student Financial Aid
Faculty of Science, Priorities Fund
Faculty of Science, Research
Faculty of Science, Student Financial Aid
Frost Library
Glendon College, Priorities Fund
Glendon College, Student Financial Aid
Lassonde School of Engineering, Priorities Fund
Lassonde School of Engineering, Student Financial Aid
Osgoode Hall Law School, Priorities Fund
Osgoode Hall Law School, Research
Osgoode Hall Law School, Student Financial Aid
School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design, Priorities Fund
School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design, Student Financial Aid
Peter F. Bronfman Business Library
Schulich School of Business, Priorities Fund
Schulich School of Business, Student Financial Aid
Athletics Department
Figure Skating
Lions Cup Golf Tournament
Men's Basketball
Men's Football
Men's Hockey
Men's Soccer
Men's Swimming
Men's Tennis
Men's Track & Field
Men's Volleyball
Men's Wrestling
Women's Basketball
Women's Field Hockey
Women's Hockey
Women's Rugby
Women's Soccer
Women's Swimming
Women's Tennis
Women's Track & Field
Women's Volleyball
Women's Wrestling
School's Highest Priorities
Schulich Student Support Fund
Steacie Library
William W. Small Awards
York University Retirees' Association Graduate Student Award
York University Retirees' Association Mature Student Bursaries
Lions Cup Golf Tournament Sponsorship
SPRAA Golf Classic
SPRAA Perspectives Lecture
Together Mission Sponsorship Indo Canada Bootcamp and Pitch Competition
Arts and Media Student Experience Fund
Future of Marketing Student Experience Fund
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fund
Real Estate & Infrastructure Student Experience Fund
York University Student Investment Fund Endowment
Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean (CERLAC)
Global Labour Research Centre (GLRC)
Robarts Centre
York Centre for Asian Research
General Support for the Centre for Jewish Studies
The Canadian Jewish Literary Awards
Canada's Journal of Refugees
CRS Endowment Fund
CRS Refugee Student Bursaries
CRS Support Fund
Anita Herrmann Bursary
Bill Graham (MBA '86) Global Leadership Award
Dean Crowston Mememorial
Dezsö J. Horváth Tribute Fund
Ginny Boelhower Scholarship
Joyce Zemans Award of Achievement
Lidia Serras Memorial Scholarship
Miriam Flemming Memorial
Peterson Family Gold Medal & Scholarship in Entrepreneurial Studies
Prof. Brenda Zimmerman Memorial Fund
The James Gillies Award Endowed Fund
Abshir Hassan Undergraduate Award for Excellence in Community Service
Advancing Black Students Program - Faculty of LA&PS
Advancing Women Students Program - Faculty of LA&PS
Albert Ng Design Scholarship
Allan I. Carswell Observatory
Andrew Forbes Memorial Scholarship, Friends of Glendon
Angel Paw Prize, Lassonde School of Engineering
Annunziata Di Ponio Award, York International
Anti-Islamophobia Research Hub
Archie Campbell Memorial Bursary
Arvo Tiidus Award, Faculty of Health
Athletics & Recreation
Autism Research - General
BBA/iBBA Invitational Conference & Case Competition Award
BHER Women's Fund
C4: Cross-Campus Capstone Classroom
Career Centre
Centre for Aboriginal Student Services
Clara Thomas Archives & Special Collections
Class of 1967 Bursary Fund
Class of 1969 Bursary
Community Agency Student Internships, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Computer Science, Lassonde School of Engineering
Copy of Steacie Science Library
Counselling and Disability Services at Glendon College
Court Jarrell Memorial
Davies Fellows Award
Dean Lorne Sossin Bursary, Osgoode Hall Law School
Dean's Aspiration Award
Dean's Award for Research Excellence
Deans Scholarship for Women in Science, Faculty of Science
Dr. Ferdinand and Mrs. Emelda Thomas Award
Ecological Footprint Initiative
Existere Literary Journal
Experiential Education Fund, Osgoode Hall Law School
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change
Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Faculty of Science
Feminist Legal Studies, Osgoode Hall Law School
Food Insecurity Fund for Students
Gabrielle Monaghan Bursary
Gary D'Mello Prize for Women's Bridging Program, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Ghana Advancing Scholarship and Capacity for Emerging Nursing Doctorates (ASCEND) Program
Glendon 50th Anniversary Bursary
Glendon Alumni Bursary for Indigenous Students, Glendon College
Glendon College Opportunity Fund
Glendon Experiential Education Fund, Glendon
Glendon Graduate Scholarship
Glendon Salon Francophone Renovation Fund, Glendon College
Glendon's Frost Library
Global Labour Research Centre
Gordon Darroch International Scholar Award
Graduate History Program Entrance Scholarship
Graduate History Program Entrance Scholarship, Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Heather Gore-Liddell Bursary
HHF Greek Canadian Archives
Impact: The Campaign for York University
Interbeing Wellness Donation for Student Support
International Student Programs, York International
James Laxer Scholarship Fund
James Laxer Scholarship Fund, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Jean Augustine Chair in Education
Jeffrey Zoeller Queer Endowment
John Hunkin Scholarship in Leadership and Sustainability
Kellogg-Schulich EMBA Gala
Kilravey Family Bursary
LA&PS Aspiration Awards
LA&PS Emergency Bursaries
Lassonde Emergency Fund, Lassonde School of Engineering
Lassonde Undergraduate Research Award (LURA), Lassonde School of Engineering
Leading Change: Graduate Study/Research Building, Schulich School of Business
Leonard Yancovitch Award in Jazz, School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design
Leonardo Silva MBA/IMBA Award, Schulich School of Business
Library Learning Commons
LLIR Student Opportunity Fund
Lucy Fromowitz Student Award
Maria Stea Memorial Award
Mark Cross Award
Marketing Student Society
Markham Campus
Master of Conference Interpreting (MCI)
Matthew Shoalts Film Director's Award
Melissa Hunt '07 Memorial Prize
Melville, Nelles, Hoffmann Lecture in Environmental History, Faculty of LA&PS
Mosher-Silver Women's Volleyball Legacy Fund
Music, School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design
No Barriers Fund, Osgoode Hall Law School
Nobby Wirkowski Football Award
Ontario Graduate Scholarships, Faculty of Environmental Studies
Ontario Graduate Scholarships, Faculty of Graduate Studies
Osgoode Career Services, Osgoode Hall Law School
Osgoode Mooting
Osgoode@125 Bursary, Osgoode Hall Law School
Paul Copeland Bursary
Paul Kay Adventure Bursary
Peter W. Hogg Memorial Award, Osgoode Hall Law School
Phillip Silver Scholarship
Randa Jean Cooke Memorial Bursary Fund, Osgoode Hall Law School
Rob and Cheryl McEwen Graduate Study & Research Building
School of Continuing Studies Fund
School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design
Schulich Startup Night Awards
Schulich's Peter F. Bronfman Business Library
SEEDS at York U
Sojourner-Campbell Family Legal Visionary Award
SPRAA Developers' Den
Stress Busting Donation for Student Support
Student Accessibility Services
Student Association for Single Parents Award
Student Counselling & Development
Student Emergency Relief Fund
Student Financial Aid for the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Student Financial Aid/Friends of Glendon Bourses des amis de Glendon
Student Food Bank
Student in Crisis Bursary
Student Services
Summer Jazz & Groove Lab
Susan Vella Social Justice Award
Sustainability Student Experience Fund
The Embleton Award
The Herbert H. Carnegie Scholarship (HCARNEG_END)
The Joan & Martin Goldfarb Gallery of York University
The Jody Forno Memorial Soccer Bursary
The Michael Bordt Award for Sustainability Informatics
The Thomas Trudel Memorial Scholarship in Film Production
Vanier College Productions
VCP's 50th Anniversary
Visual Arts Open House Prize
Walk with Excellence Bursary
William Thomas McGrenere '63 Bursary
Women's Hockey, Department of Athletics & Recreation
York Camps Subsidy Fund
York Emergency Student Support Fund
York University General Entrance Awards
York University Psychology Clinic
YURA Graduate Student Award
KSAA Diversity Award
Nicholas Corradino LGBTQ+ Changemaker Award
Schulich Black and Indigenous Student Bursary
Administrative Studies Student Support
Anthropology Student Support
Communication Studies Student Support
Economics Student Support
English Student Support
French Student Support
Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies Student Support
History Student Support
Human Resources Management Student Support
Human Rights & Equity Student Support
Humanities Student Support
Information Technology Student Support
Languages, Literatures & Linguistics Student Support
Philosophy Student Support
Politics Student Support
Public Policy & Administration Student Support
Social Science Student Support
Social Work Student Support
Sociology Student Support
Writing Department Student Support
Founders College Student Support
McLaughlin College Student Support
New College Student Support
Vanier College Student Support
-- Select a program to support --
Research & Innovation
Scott Library
Student Financial Aid
University's Greatest Needs
York University Art Gallery
Faculty of Education, Priorities Fund
Faculty of Education, Research
Faculty of Education, Student Financial Aid
Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change, Priorities Fund
Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change, Student Financial Aid
Faculty of Graduate Studies, Priorities Fund
Faculty of Graduate Studies, Student Financial Aid
The Faculty of Graduate Studies 60th Anniversary Fund
Faculty of Health, Priorities Fund
Faculty of Health, Research
Faculty of Health, Student Financial Aid
Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, Priorities Fund
Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, Student Financial Aid
Faculty of Science, Priorities Fund
Faculty of Science, Research
Faculty of Science, Student Financial Aid
Frost Library
Glendon College, Priorities Fund
Glendon College, Student Financial Aid
Lassonde School of Engineering, Priorities Fund
Lassonde School of Engineering, Student Financial Aid
Osgoode Hall Law School, Priorities Fund
Osgoode Hall Law School, Research
Osgoode Hall Law School, Student Financial Aid
School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design, Priorities Fund
School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design, Student Financial Aid
Peter F. Bronfman Business Library
Schulich School of Business, Priorities Fund
Schulich School of Business, Student Financial Aid
Athletics Department
Figure Skating
Lions Cup Golf Tournament
Men's Basketball
Men's Football
Men's Hockey
Men's Soccer
Men's Swimming
Men's Tennis
Men's Track & Field
Men's Volleyball
Men's Wrestling
Women's Basketball
Women's Field Hockey
Women's Hockey
Women's Rugby
Women's Soccer
Women's Swimming
Women's Tennis
Women's Track & Field
Women's Volleyball
Women's Wrestling
School's Highest Priorities
Schulich Student Support Fund
Steacie Library
William W. Small Awards
York University Retirees' Association Graduate Student Award
York University Retirees' Association Mature Student Bursaries
Lions Cup Golf Tournament Sponsorship
SPRAA Golf Classic
SPRAA Perspectives Lecture
Together Mission Sponsorship Indo Canada Bootcamp and Pitch Competition
Arts and Media Student Experience Fund
Future of Marketing Student Experience Fund
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fund
Real Estate & Infrastructure Student Experience Fund
York University Student Investment Fund Endowment
Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean (CERLAC)
Global Labour Research Centre (GLRC)
Robarts Centre
York Centre for Asian Research
General Support for the Centre for Jewish Studies
The Canadian Jewish Literary Awards
Canada's Journal of Refugees
CRS Endowment Fund
CRS Refugee Student Bursaries
CRS Support Fund
Anita Herrmann Bursary
Bill Graham (MBA '86) Global Leadership Award
Dean Crowston Mememorial
Dezsö J. Horváth Tribute Fund
Ginny Boelhower Scholarship
Joyce Zemans Award of Achievement
Lidia Serras Memorial Scholarship
Miriam Flemming Memorial
Peterson Family Gold Medal & Scholarship in Entrepreneurial Studies
Prof. Brenda Zimmerman Memorial Fund
The James Gillies Award Endowed Fund
Abshir Hassan Undergraduate Award for Excellence in Community Service
Advancing Black Students Program - Faculty of LA&PS
Advancing Women Students Program - Faculty of LA&PS
Albert Ng Design Scholarship
Allan I. Carswell Observatory
Andrew Forbes Memorial Scholarship, Friends of Glendon
Angel Paw Prize, Lassonde School of Engineering
Annunziata Di Ponio Award, York International
Anti-Islamophobia Research Hub
Archie Campbell Memorial Bursary
Arvo Tiidus Award, Faculty of Health
Athletics & Recreation
Autism Research - General
BBA/iBBA Invitational Conference & Case Competition Award
BHER Women's Fund
C4: Cross-Campus Capstone Classroom
Career Centre
Centre for Aboriginal Student Services
Clara Thomas Archives & Special Collections
Class of 1967 Bursary Fund
Class of 1969 Bursary
Community Agency Student Internships, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Computer Science, Lassonde School of Engineering
Copy of Steacie Science Library
Counselling and Disability Services at Glendon College
Court Jarrell Memorial
Davies Fellows Award
Dean Lorne Sossin Bursary, Osgoode Hall Law School
Dean's Aspiration Award
Dean's Award for Research Excellence
Deans Scholarship for Women in Science, Faculty of Science
Dr. Ferdinand and Mrs. Emelda Thomas Award
Ecological Footprint Initiative
Existere Literary Journal
Experiential Education Fund, Osgoode Hall Law School
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change
Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Faculty of Science
Feminist Legal Studies, Osgoode Hall Law School
Food Insecurity Fund for Students
Gabrielle Monaghan Bursary
Gary D'Mello Prize for Women's Bridging Program, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Ghana Advancing Scholarship and Capacity for Emerging Nursing Doctorates (ASCEND) Program
Glendon 50th Anniversary Bursary
Glendon Alumni Bursary for Indigenous Students, Glendon College
Glendon College Opportunity Fund
Glendon Experiential Education Fund, Glendon
Glendon Graduate Scholarship
Glendon Salon Francophone Renovation Fund, Glendon College
Glendon's Frost Library
Global Labour Research Centre
Gordon Darroch International Scholar Award
Graduate History Program Entrance Scholarship
Graduate History Program Entrance Scholarship, Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Heather Gore-Liddell Bursary
HHF Greek Canadian Archives
Impact: The Campaign for York University
Interbeing Wellness Donation for Student Support
International Student Programs, York International
James Laxer Scholarship Fund
James Laxer Scholarship Fund, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Jean Augustine Chair in Education
Jeffrey Zoeller Queer Endowment
John Hunkin Scholarship in Leadership and Sustainability
Kellogg-Schulich EMBA Gala
Kilravey Family Bursary
LA&PS Aspiration Awards
LA&PS Emergency Bursaries
Lassonde Emergency Fund, Lassonde School of Engineering
Lassonde Undergraduate Research Award (LURA), Lassonde School of Engineering
Leading Change: Graduate Study/Research Building, Schulich School of Business
Leonard Yancovitch Award in Jazz, School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design
Leonardo Silva MBA/IMBA Award, Schulich School of Business
Library Learning Commons
LLIR Student Opportunity Fund
Lucy Fromowitz Student Award
Maria Stea Memorial Award
Mark Cross Award
Marketing Student Society
Markham Campus
Master of Conference Interpreting (MCI)
Matthew Shoalts Film Director's Award
Melissa Hunt '07 Memorial Prize
Melville, Nelles, Hoffmann Lecture in Environmental History, Faculty of LA&PS
Mosher-Silver Women's Volleyball Legacy Fund
Music, School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design
No Barriers Fund, Osgoode Hall Law School
Nobby Wirkowski Football Award
Ontario Graduate Scholarships, Faculty of Environmental Studies
Ontario Graduate Scholarships, Faculty of Graduate Studies
Osgoode Career Services, Osgoode Hall Law School
Osgoode Mooting
Osgoode@125 Bursary, Osgoode Hall Law School
Paul Copeland Bursary
Paul Kay Adventure Bursary
Peter W. Hogg Memorial Award, Osgoode Hall Law School
Phillip Silver Scholarship
Randa Jean Cooke Memorial Bursary Fund, Osgoode Hall Law School
Rob and Cheryl McEwen Graduate Study & Research Building
School of Continuing Studies Fund
School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design
Schulich Startup Night Awards
Schulich's Peter F. Bronfman Business Library
SEEDS at York U
Sojourner-Campbell Family Legal Visionary Award
SPRAA Developers' Den
Stress Busting Donation for Student Support
Student Accessibility Services
Student Association for Single Parents Award
Student Counselling & Development
Student Emergency Relief Fund
Student Financial Aid for the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Student Financial Aid/Friends of Glendon Bourses des amis de Glendon
Student Food Bank
Student in Crisis Bursary
Student Services
Summer Jazz & Groove Lab
Susan Vella Social Justice Award
Sustainability Student Experience Fund
The Embleton Award
The Herbert H. Carnegie Scholarship (HCARNEG_END)
The Joan & Martin Goldfarb Gallery of York University
The Jody Forno Memorial Soccer Bursary
The Michael Bordt Award for Sustainability Informatics
The Thomas Trudel Memorial Scholarship in Film Production
Vanier College Productions
VCP's 50th Anniversary
Visual Arts Open House Prize
Walk with Excellence Bursary
William Thomas McGrenere '63 Bursary
Women's Hockey, Department of Athletics & Recreation
York Camps Subsidy Fund
York Emergency Student Support Fund
York University General Entrance Awards
York University Psychology Clinic
YURA Graduate Student Award
KSAA Diversity Award
Nicholas Corradino LGBTQ+ Changemaker Award
Schulich Black and Indigenous Student Bursary
Administrative Studies Student Support
Anthropology Student Support
Communication Studies Student Support
Economics Student Support
English Student Support
French Student Support
Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies Student Support
History Student Support
Human Resources Management Student Support
Human Rights & Equity Student Support
Humanities Student Support
Information Technology Student Support
Languages, Literatures & Linguistics Student Support
Philosophy Student Support
Politics Student Support
Public Policy & Administration Student Support
Social Science Student Support
Social Work Student Support
Sociology Student Support
Writing Department Student Support
Founders College Student Support
McLaughlin College Student Support
New College Student Support
Vanier College Student Support